An installation to promote the Pixel 2 at The Flipside - A multi-sensory exhibition at The Old Selfridges Hotel.
Designed by TEM Studio, the installation consists of "a series of concentric discs of optically pure mirrored glass and projected light, forming an extruded lens."
We also developed a real time gallery to display a selection of the best photos on the window of Selfridges on Oxford Street.
Selected Works
Nike GVCProject type
MailmanAudio Visualisation
SpinnupAudio Visualisation
Google Pixel 2Installation
Adidas GenerativeDesign System
Adidas Nite JoggerWebsite
Go With The FlowExperiment
Dell ICCWebsite / Installation
Stella Artois Give BeautifullyInstallation
Deutsche Bank QuizWebsite
Artism Act IILive Performance